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Entrepreneurship for migrants. 2 lectures, 1/3
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Проект, направленный на поддержку социальной интеграции через продвижение и создание возможностей в сфере ИТ для мигрантов. Курсы по цифровому маркетингу, Python и Java.

Come and learn how to enter labour market and the secrets of interviewing an HR professional! 

Who benefits from:
- For beginners and active entrepreneurs who want to increase sales, average check conversion from application to sale and expand the product line.
⁃ Sales managers
⁃ Self-employed professionals who want to learn how to sell their services / products a lot and at a high price
⁃ Anyone who wants to learn how to profitably present themselves and figure out how to sell environmentally, without pushing and imposing.

What will happen:
Three days of 3-4 hours of productive work,

Forms of work:
Mini lectures for 15-20 minutes
Working tools and practice
Individual work, work in small groups, work in a general group

26.10 Agenda
Acquaintance, networking
Selling presentation of yourself in 1 minute
What is green selling
The basic principles of sales without stealing and manipulating
7 stages of a classic sale
Needs identification phase through coaching questions and design thinking
Product / service presentation taking into account the client's benefits
5 customer benefits
Hidden customer benefits

Networking and education

The course is FREE OF CHARGE!

Why is it free?
This meeting is part of ICT4TCN project. ICT4TCN project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union